Frequently Asked Questions

We can test a baby on 1st day of his/her birth, with a screening test called OAE.
  1. Auditory training
  2. Reprogramming
  3. Detailed product training
  4. Monitoring of earmolds
Consumers who buy hearing aids are entitled to a trial period, usually 30 days from the time of fitting. During this period, your Audiologist or Hearing Care Professional will work with you to ensure your complete satisfaction. You will have to follow up visits to fine tune your instruments, and if necessary, any changes to the style or circuitry can be made.
While many factors affect outcomes for both children and adults, typically, the younger a child who was born deaf is implanted, the greater the benefit achieved in the areas of speech perception and speech and language development. A predictive factor for implant performance for adults who are deaf is the length of time between the onset of deafness and implantation; those with the shortest duration of deafness tend to experience better outcomes.

Children may experience one or more of the following disorders:

  1. Speech sound disorders – (difficulty pronouncing sounds)
  2. Language disorders – (difficulty understanding what they hear as well as expressing themselves with words)
  3. Cognitive communication disorders – (difficulty with thinking skills including perception, memory, awareness, reasoning, judgment, intellect, and imagination)
  4. Stuttering (fluency) disorders – (interruption of the flow of speech that may include hesitations, repetitions, prolongations of sounds or words)
  5. Voice disorders – (quality of voice that may include hoarseness, nasality, volume (too loud or soft)

If you come across the following issues please visit a speech therapist.

  1. Understanding & Comprehension Issues
  2. Pronunciations problems
  3. Communication Problems
  4. Language disorders
Speech therapists work at improving the child’s speech, comprehension, and language abilities. They help in improving language and communication after diagnosing speech, communication, and cognitive disorders.
Stammering can be corrected by the treatment from a speech therapist as it teaches to reduce the speed of speech and notice stammering.
Yes, a speech therapist can help to manage autistic children by improving their communication and language. They help in improving articulation, communicating verbally and non verbally, conversational, and comprehension skills.
In language disorders, speech therapists help in improving language by interacting with them, using pictures, and books. They improve grammar and vocabulary to build language skills. They also help in improving articulation of speech.
Yes, a speech therapist can help in treating hearing loss by therapies like auditory-verbal therapy, communication speech therapy, and auditory oral therapy. These can help to develop listening skills and improve communication in hearing disorders.
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